Sábháilteacht ar Líne – Internet Safety Talk

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A thuismitheoirí/chaomhnóirí,

Meabhrán daoibh go mbeidh Ger Brick linn ar scoil an lá ar fad amárach. Déanfaidh Ger 3 sheisiúin leis na páistí ó Rang 3 go dtí Rang 6 agus seisiún amháin le tuismitheoirí/chaomhnóirí um thráthnóna ó 7-9in.

Mar eolas daoibh, an fáth go bhfuilimid tar éis Ger Brick a fháil ná go dtarlaíonn eachtraí anois is arís ar scoil agus ar line. Baineann na heachtraí i gceist le rochtain idirlín sa bhaile agus an nasc atá ann le fadhbanna bulaíochta ar scoil.  Samplaí de na heachtraí atá i gceist inár scoil ná teachtaireachtaí ar mheáin éagsúla (Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp etc.), Youtube Shorts agus Fortnite. Táim coinsiasach nach bhfuil sé seo éasca ar thuistí/chaomhnóirí. Mar sin d’ardaigh mé Cibearbhulaíocht agus Sábháilteacht ar Líne le Coiste na dTuistí ag cruinniú i Mí na Samhna agus bheartaíomar tacaíocht gairmiúil a fháil dos na páistí, toisc déine an ábhair. Go raibh maith ag an gCoiste as an bplé a bhi eatarthainn agus ag Alison Glendinning as Ger Brick a mholadh tar éis taithí iontach a fháil leis i scoil áitiúil eile.

A gentle reminder to you all that we will have Internet Safety expert, Ger Brick, with us all day tomorrow. Ger will do four online sessions, three at school with our pupils from Rang 3 to Rang 6 and one with parents/guardians from 7-9pm tomorrow evening.

Just to give you all a little context surrounding the reason for choosing to have Ger Brick work with us. Over the past couple of years we have dealt with a few incidents of bullying or potential bullying at school and, more often than not, after much discussion with all stakeholders, it would turn out that the problem had started due to the child’s internet access at home. Some examples we have come across that have caused problems in our school are messaging across multiple forums (Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp etc.), Youtube Shorts and Fortnite. This is an area which is difficult for all parents to police. I raised the issue with your Parents’ Association in November and we all agreed that professional support for all would be worthwhile. Thanks to Alison Glendinning for suggesting Ger Brick, after witnessing his success in another local school.

Please see PDF below for the note from Ger.

Le gach meas, Príomhoide Ian.


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