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Bronnadh ár 6ú Bhrat Glas bunaithe ar an dtéama Bithéagsúlacht ar Ghaelscoil Sáirséal inné i gCorcaigh. Chuaigh Múinteoir Edel, Múinteoir Pádraig agus beirt páiste ón gCoiste Glas ann chun an Brat Glas a ghlacadh ar son na scoile. Bhí an lá ag na páistí.
Gaelscoil Sáirséal was awarded our 6th Green Flag based on the theme Biodiversity at the Green Flag Award Ceremory in Cork yesterday. Muinteoir Edel, Múinteoir Pádraig and two repesentives from the Coiste Glas accepted the Green Flag on behalf of Gaelscoil Sairséal. The children had a wonderful and most memorable day.
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